Hello Beautiful Mums, Dads, Grandparents and anyone at all who’s reading!
The Holiday’s are in FULL swing and so are the festivities and y’all know what that means!
Tons and tons of food!
Harper has just turned 7 months old and is VERY interested in solids. So when Influenster and Tommee Tippee sent us some new “in between” bottle and cup sippies to test and review I knew I just had to share our Baby Led Weaning adventures along with our Sippy Cup Review!
Our son Thomas didn’t care about food until he was about 9 or 10 months old, but I think from watching her older brother eat and play Harper is interested in whatever he does.
When introducing foods to our son we chose to use a method called “Baby Led Weaning” and now it’s time to do it all over again with little H!
So for starters what is BLW?
Basically you let the child control what he/she eats, how much, and when!
And you skip purees.
It’s really simple. Whatever you’re eating, just give baby a baby friendly version of!
So for example, lets say you’re having Hamburgers, Fries and Mac n Cheese for dinner.
When making your hamburgers just cook a small portion, maybe a tablespoon, of ground beef, no seasonings or anything added. Pop a few potato slices in the microwave or oven instead of frying them with the rest and leave a few pieces of pasta aside without cheese or anything on it. Put a little of each in front of baby when the rest of you eat and let them decide how they like it!
No extra dishes, no having to buy separate foods, like I said – easy.
Just like with anything involving young children there are a few rules though!
*I am NOT a licensed professional, so PLEASE ALWAYS consult with your childs pediatrician before starting any new steps such as this! This is just what I do with my children, with our pediatricians encouragement and approval.*
Baby is “ready” to start BLW when:
They can sit on their own.

Aw my daughter’s name is Harper! Loving these ideas for food! Need to try tommee tippee!
We did BLW as well! My youngest was like Thomas, he didn’t start solids until he was almost 10 months old. When he did start showing an interest, he LOVED to feed himself. Okay, so most of it ended up on him and on the floor, but he had fun with it!
I LOVE baby led weaning! The one thing we’re doing this time around versus with my son 4 years ago, is we’re using NumNum spoons! 🙂 they totally help with hand-eye coordination and learning to eat on their own!
Tommy Tippee has become our go to for sippy cups and so much more, we love their products for little ones! It’s so much fun when they start eating and drinking.