Good Morning Sunshine!
I hope your January has been going just the way you want it to. And I hope that you are still riding high on the coat tails of the Holidays!
The first few weeks of the new year are always filled with excitement and aspiration, energy and crisp cool winter air.
While it may be a little “late” for a New Years Resolution, working towards goals is a constant in my everyday life, it’s just how I stay motivated. I love that “I crossed the finish line” feeling, even if its something as small as getting everything on my “To Do” List done in one day.
As Parents my Husband and I have plenty of goals for how we want our kids to be. We want them to be kind, caring, and empathetic, while remaining strong, fiercely independent and proud of who they are. We want our children to be hard workers. And we want them to have basic life skills that aren’t taught at school.
As our son grows so does his personality, he is kind, smart as a whip and so SO ornery, creative, and adventurous.
When I was thinking of a few “goals” for myself, and our family this year I wanted Thomas to have something to work towards. No matter what age we are it feels terrific to start something and finish it!
So what are a three year olds goals? What’s going on in a three year olds little head? Well…
On Goals
Me: “Hey Thomas do you know what a Goal is?”
Thomas: “Yeah! A really golden rock! Me find one! Oh me only find a regu-wear rock.”
Me: “No a Goal. A goal is something that you want to do that will make you a better person. Like to be a kinder person, or a nicer…”
T: “Oh or a funnier person!”
Me: “Yeah or a funnier person. So do you have any goals?”
T: “Yes. To eat sumpin”
Me: “No a Goal. Like to be nicer, or use your manners more.”
T: “Uhh no. Play with my play-dough.”
Me: “Oh. I’m not sure thats really a goal buddy.”
T: “Ohhh… Ok Mama. Triangle.” *Walks away*
On Growing Up
Me: “Thomas what do you want to be when you grow up?”
T: “Uhh Me wanna be a really big man.”
On using his manners
Me: Are you going to use your manners more this year?
T: “Yeah”
Me: “So like please and thank you?”
T: “No”
On picking up his toys
Me: “Hey buddy, are you going to pick up your toys without throwing a fit from now on?”
T: *Shakes head yes and dumps out trains…*
On eating something besides chicken nuggets and pizza
Me: “So this year are you going to try to eat more foods besides pizza and chicken nuggets?”
T: “Yeah! Me gonna try new stuff like PIZZA!”
Thanks for Reading, Commenting, Liking and Sharing!
Love the play by play on the conversation. Sounds just like him. More of them would be good, since they are so funny. Love you all, Yo Mamma
I think I may make it a monthly thing!
HAHAHA… Loved this post! I am so going to talk to my girls (4 and 2) about goals. I love this. Thanks for sharing!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
This is adorable! Definitely show him when he is older 🙂
I will!
Haha kids are so funny. Precious yes, hilarious too. “Triangle?” LOL. I have a 3-year old nephew who yelled at me from across a public pool – you’re tummy is so big! Yeah, that’s the last time I’m wearing a bikini in front of that little guy lol. Hope you have an amazing year!
Awe kids have NO filters! Which can be a blessing and curse! Thank you and YOU have a great year too!!
Haha! This made me laugh. He’s such a smart boy. Chicken nuggets and pizza are my favorite too 😉
Thanks for reading Kerry! I’m more of a Pizza gal myself but my husband likes Nuggets so you can see where he gets it from! haha
three is such a fun age! ENJOY it! It was definitely my favorite year with my son, who is now 4.5. <3 I love all his "resolutions" haha!
Thanks for reading Chanel! I can’t believe he’s getting so old!
Hahaha this is so great! I love his willingness to try new things like pizza! Happy New Year!
This is so funny and sweet. It is reminding me to start recording some of the things my daughter says…I have a journal for it but never fill it in.
Thats a great idea! I’m going to have to do that too! Thanks for reading Jasmine!
Hahaha this is great. Kids are too funny!
They really are! Thanks for reading Rachel!
Haaaa! Kids are hilarious! I seriously DIED laughing at your strawberry picture 😛 😛 Typical kid.
Hahaha! The ENTIRE pint was like this! So the next day I just cut them all into little pieces so that he would eat them because if I tried to give them to him this way he’d say “Those are old mama” haha
Thanks for reading girl!
Love the conversations you can have with a 3 year old. Never boring that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing!
Some day’s I wonder where he gets his quick whit from, he loves talking and says some darn funny things!
Thanks for reading Alison!
This is hilarious and so adorable!
Thank you Shannon!
Haha this is adorable! I think I should try new things like maybe pizza too! 😉
I could always go for Pizza!
Thanks for reading Sheila!
His answers are AMAZING! Such a funny little person! I’m going to have to do this with my kids next year! I love this!
I think I’m going to make this a yearly thing and see how his answers change over the years!
Thanks for reading Janette!
Oh my goodness, this is hilarious! Too cute!
Haha Thank you Jessica!
This made me laugh! He is so cute! And the strawberry picture reminded me how my daughter eats strawberries.
I’m glad you got a laugh! That is exactly what it was intended to do!
Haha aww this just made smile. To be this age and be so carefree is just amazing.
I wish I saw things the way he does, it really is so refreshing and inspiring to see how children see the world!
This is the best! Kids say the cutest things sometimes. I love his response to trying new things.
He is so silly and seriously has the best answers to things!
Your kiddo is such a cutie! I adore Thomas’ goals and how wonderful for you to be teaching him goal making at a young age. I love your blog!
Thank you so much!!