*This post was facilitated by Newton Baby, who provided the mattress for testing & review – but as always all opinions are my own. If you have any questions please see my disclaimer.*
Happy Day Y’all!
The sun has been shinning most days, the weather has been warm most days, and we’ve really been enjoying ourselves everyday.
The little ones love love LOVE being outside all the time and playing in the dirt, grass and water, and I love watching them!
There’s just something about summer time that’s so so sweet, yah know?
One thing that we’ve been doing this summer is changing up our daily routine. And I have to say – it’s been so refreshing, and somewhat therapeutic.
During the never ending winter we had we sort of fell into this routine – and it got very VERY monotonous. Thomas has sort of gotten to the point where he needs a lot of activities to keep himself entertained so a change in routine was good and needed for him – and for my sanity as well.
We’ve added things like chores and designated meal times to our lives because as Thomas gets older he really seems to benefit from more structure. Before we had Harper I just sort of let Thomas sleep whenever he wanted, same with eating, etc, but with two kids things are just so much easier on a routine.
But the hardest change to implement into our lives has been…
Kicking the kids out of our bed!
Yep. We are Co-Sleepers. Well, we were/are trying not to be anymore.
Ya’ll know what weaning is right?
Introducing food to a baby in place of only milk, thus letting them become more independent and confident in themselves, and less reliant on you.
Well, we are “Bed Weaning” I’m pretty sure I sort of made up that term but let’s just go with it.
o l d r o u t i n e
This is how a typical night in our house used to go:
– Bedtime rolls around, noted not by a time on the clock, but by the amount of screaming/crying each child is doing.
-Mommy quickly changes kids into PJ’s sometimes and plops both kids into our queen sized bed. Reading a book to our older while nursing our younger, the reading and nursing goes on until both or all of us are asleep. If I don’t fall asleep getting the kids down I (or my husband when coming to bed) transfers Thomas into his bed. Then sometime through the night were woken up by Thomas crying, little feet pitter-pattering into our room and a tot jumping back into our bed. An hour into that myself, or my husband gets kicked, rolled on top of, covers stollen, drooled or peed on. Yah know – the usual nights sleep.
c a n y o u r u b m y b a c k ?
Having to sleep all crammed into one queen bed was really taking it’s tole on my back and neck. Like couldn’t turn my head of bend over kind of hurt. We decided Thomas just wasn’t going to be able to sleep with us anymore.
So we asked him WHY? Why don’t you like sleeping in your room? Why don’t you stay in there when you wake up? WHY DUDE?
And yah know what the kid says?
“Cause my bed is hurty mommy.”
So we tried a few different things:
-Taking the mattress out of the frame
-Putting his mattress in our room next to our bed
-Letting him sleep with the lights on
-Letting him sleep on the couch…
and nothing worked.
I know that part of it is because he’s been in our bed for so long but the nights we let Thomas sleep on the couch he either slept completely through the night or almost the entire night.
So I guess his bed was hurty.
j u s t i n t h e k n i c k o f b e d t i m e
And just as we were mulling over purchasing a “big boy” mattress for our son, Newton Baby contacted me and asked if I’d be interested in trying out their Wovenair Crib Mattress – talk about good timing!
Since Harper is still not sleeping through the night yet and since Thomas could actually talk with me I wanted him to be the one that actually got to really test this mattress out. And test it we did!
t h e j u m p t e s t
Thomas says “it’s really jumpy!” haha Whatever that means…
Also look how much of a difference there is between the old spring mattress and the Wovenair Mattress! The Wovenair is so supportive but without being hard – which is exactly what little ones need!

t h e w a s h t e s t
So the Newton Baby Wovenair boasts “complete washability” literally – COMPLETE. You can wash the INSIDE of the mattress. Like the entire inside of it as well as toss the outside breathable cover in the wash.
So first lets talk about the outside cover – it’s made of layers of mesh so that my little sleep sweater stays nice and cool while asleep. Nothing is more gross smelling than a sweaty toddler in the morning. Yikes. Plus being comfortable temperature wise helps anyone really, stay asleep longer and sleep better.

I wanted to really test this because I want to be as authentic as possible with y’all. I don’t wanna say “I love this” when I don’t actually love it. So I let the kids eat watermelon on the mattress – outside.
I wanted to see if it really washed well. And y’all, it did. It was so easy to just unzip the cover and toss it in the wash, and the cover was just as easy to put back on!

I have to be honest. When I unzipped the cover for the first time I was really surprised by what I saw underneath. I had never seen a mattress or really anything besides a sponge look like this before! But y’all it’s really so great y’all – washable, supportive and chemical free. Like seriously what else could you ask for in a mattress for your kids?

t h e n e w r o u t i n e
This test was my favorite test personally! Because it involved getting to sleep in bed WITHOUT kids!
So this is what we did:
I got Thomas all pumped and excited about getting a new bed, and about sleeping by himself. We rearranged the kids room and pushed the mattresses up against the wall together – making one big bed for them.
Thomas LOVED doing this with me, he even was saying “Yes mommy this looks good there” and the like.
And we began our new bedtime routine that night:
We start at 7:45 pm
-Go into room and spray Aromatherapy sleepy time spray on the kid’s bed.
-While that is drying, we put on PJ’s and go brush teeth, give Daddy lovin’.
-Pick out 3 books.
-Get snuggled up and read books.
Thomas is usually asleep by the 2nd book, and has pretty much been doing to bed at 8 pm on the dot since we started our new routine just over a week ago. He is sleeping through the night too! Which is a very very new occurrence for him. He still comes pitter-pattering into our room around 5am but will go back to sleep for about an hour or so. Harper is still waking frequently, but she takes all her naps and is put down at night in the kids new “combo” bed! Baby steps y’all!
t h e f i n a l v e r t i c t
This bed is fantastic y’all. I would 10/10 recommend to anyone who asked! It’s totally comfortable, I can attest for that because I slept in there last night since Harper kept waking up!
*Thank you to Newton Baby for facilitating this post!*
This matress sounds great, and good luck with getting your bed fully back to yourselves. My little boy stays in his room all night but has a habit of getting in our bed when he wakes in the morning, he curls up and sleeps at the bottom!!
Lianne | Makes, Bakes and Decor
My 10-month-old still sleeps in the bed with us! I’m not ready for her to sleep in the crib yet ha! Plus I’m still breastfeeding but this will be changing very soon not ready for this just yet!!
Sounds like it was a life saver!!! So glad you are getting some good sleep now!!!
I’m a bit past this phase now as my kids are 7 and 9 but I’m always amazed at the advancements that happen year to year. This mattress looks fantastic, I’ve never seen anything like it. Looks like you’re making it a fun and rewarding experience for him to transition. Wishing you the best!
That mattress looks awesome! I love that you can easily wash it. I haven’t co-slept so bed weaning hasn’t been an issue for us, but we are going to transition from crib to bed this summer and that’s going to be a wreck, I can already see it!
We are co-sleepers too! And I know I need to do the same with my kids. Absolutely saving this!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
I’ve never seen a mattress like this before. What a great idea. Good luck with getting your bed back. I cherish my space when I’m sleeping. I barely like sharing a bed with my husband! Also, this is random, but I really love your writing style.
Yes! I am in the process of bed weaning myself…so difficult! Maybe the answer is in this mattress…it looks awesome!
We love good mattresses and when the kids stay on them ha! Bedtime routine is so important for us and helps so much.
We are co-sleepers too! And I know I need to do the same with my kids. I have to save this.
Thanks for sharing! Yeah it’s a journey for sure!
My husband and I were serious anti co-sleepers…and guess who ended up in our bed every night. Yep. It’s such an undertaking to kick them out ? Glad to hear the transition is going well!
We were totally anti-cosleeping when I was pregnant too haha!
I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.
In our case when it came to pacifier weaning, I was sure it’s impossible because my son was so addicted to a paci! But it turned out that there is a lot of methods, and I found them all in Susan Urban’s guide about weaning the pacifier entitled ‘how to help your child give up the pacifier.’ My midwife showed me the author’s website http://www.parental-love.com so that I could get the guide, and after reading, I knew which method will fit my son. Excellent guide with clear instructions. It just worked, and the problem was solved in 2 or 3 days