**This post was sponsored by The BodyBoss Method, but as ALWAYS all opinions, photos and results are my own! If you have any questions please see my disclaimer.**
Hey there Y’all!
I’m so excited about today’s post! If you follow me on Instagram you know that I’ve been working my BUTT OFF (literally!)
And today I’m sharing my results, my journey and my feelings about The BodyBoss Method!
t h e b o d y b o s s m e t h o d
BodyBoss created the perfect fitness routine that combines Body Weight Resistance, Plyometrics, Cardio, and Unilateral Exercises. Together over 12 weeks these combined movements shred and strengthen. Each routine is around 24 minutes long – and that includes your warm up and cool down! There’s minimal equipment needed so you can do these quickly and at home, which is great for someone like me who works from home and has kids.
The BodyBoss Method is a HIIT (high intensity interval training) cycle system that alternates HIIT routines and what I like to call “break days” – Three Times a week you do your HIIT cycles and the other days you have options to do things like Yoga (my FAVE), Running, Swimming, Cycling, and other active activities based on YOUR lifestyle and hobbies which is really great because you don’t have to give up your favorite things for this system.
b e f o r e & a f t e r
I’m not going to lie, I don’t have a scale so I couldn’t tell you how much weight – if any – I actually lost. However, losing pounds wasn’t my main focus when I started the BodyBoss Method, my goal was to regain strength, tone, tighten, and to feel better in my own skin – and after just 6 weeks you can see my results for yourself!
p l a t f o r m s & p u s h u p s
f i n a l f e e l i n g s
I’m seriously obsessed with this program y’all. SERIOUSLY. Once I’ve finished it I’m just going to start back over from the beginning and just keep doing it again and again. I love that everything is written out for you so that you just follow along with what it says. You literally don’t even have to think about what you’re going to do that day, you just open the guide and do it – which is super great for busy moms like me!
(And you because lets be real, what mom ISN’T always busy!)
I also really LOVE how short these workouts are – one thing that totally turns me off of a fitness program is when an hour or more is needed to complete it. As a SAHM with two kids who aren’t in school yet, getting an hour alone is pretty much impossible – so the fact that these are only 24 minutes is just perfect for me!
I would 10/10 recommend and purchase again!
Holly says
Damn girl, you look amazing! I seriously hope I can get into shape like this after I have kids!
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
Thank you so much!!
Losing the weight after my first wasn’t super hard, but the second time around it’s been a lot harder!
Lauren says
Sounds like a great workout program! I am not a mom, but can only imagine how challenging it may be to get back in shape and feel confident again! You look amazing!
Lisa Doyle says
I can’t even tell you how I need to try this! I too have lost my mojo and need a spring back into working out! I’ll have to try out this product! Great post!
Your Redlocks and Shamrocks Girl,
Lisa Doyle
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
I really can not encourage you enough to try the Body Boss Method!
Most of the circuits are only 14 minutes total (without the warm up and cool down – which I usually skip warm up and cool down with my own yoga flow)
Plus I HATE cardio and there isn’t a ton of cardio in this!
Julie I Aloha Lovely says
Nice work!! I’ve gotten into Crossfit over the past year and its been amazing.
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
Finding a routine that you love is essential!! I hate when people are like “well what I’m doing is better than what you’re doing” Uhm hello! How about we high five each other because were BOTH improving our health and thus our lives and we are BOTH B.A. for doing so!! You ROCK girl! Crossfit is INTENSE!
Kristin Davies says
Those are great results in such a short amount of time. Looks like a great program for busy moms too!
Rachel Lavern says
What terrific results you are enjoying from your weight loss journey with Body Boss! Congratulations and seeing how little time it takes makes me want to check it out.
brittany ashmore says
Wow!! The stomach photo sells me! You looks amazing!
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
Thanks Brittany!
Aseky Bonnaire says
You look great before and after!! Good work mama ?
Aseky Bonnaire says
You look great before and after!! Good work mama!
Janette Shearer says
Those are great results! I love that it covers so much!
Lauren White says
Amazing! I’ve had two babies and keeping my body in shape was so much easier with my first!
Lauren White says
Amazing! I’ve had two babies and keeping my body in shape was so much easier with my first!
The Southern Thing says
Great results! This sounds like an awesome program! I’ll have to check it out!
The Southern Thing says
Great results! This sounds like an awesome program!
Gail says
You look amazing! I call that true dedication. Your results are fantastic! Keep it up!
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
Thank you so much Gail!
Michell says
OMG those results are amazing. You did an awesome job. We don’t own a scale either.
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
Thank You!!! Yeah I get a little too obsessed with the scale, so it’s better for us to just not own one.
Helen says
I’ve seen this on Facebook a bunch. I really want to try this out. Your results are awesome!
Shannon says
Holy cow you look incredible! Totally checking this out!
Mary says
I call BULLSHIT!!! Her before pics have a huge tart on her left upper arm in the after pics it’s gone and now she has one about her left thigh!!! Somethings fishy here….
platformsandpacifiers@gmail.com says
I can assure you that nothing is fishy here, my results are real and took a lot of hard work. The after photo that you are talking about was simply “mirror” rotated so that I am facing the same direction in the before and after. This editing technique is simple and available even on the most basic of apps such as Instagram. If you have any other questions I’m more than happy to answer them for you!