Happy almost February Y’all!
In honor of Valentine’s Day, and the One Year anniversary of my most popular blog post EVER, How To Take Boudoir Photos Yourself, On Your Phone! – I wanted to come out with another addition of it! This year I have TWO sister posts up – this one you’re currently reading, and How To Take Boudoir Photos Yourself, On Your Phone – Part 2.
This one was super important for me to write because the NUMBER ONE comment I get about the original post is something along the lines of “I wish I was confident enough to take photos like these!” or “I wish I liked my body enough to take photos like this!” And that breaks my freaking heart y’all.
As someone who has struggled (and still does) with my own self esteem problems, and body confidence issues, not only do I relate to every single comment like this that I receive, but my heart also hurts right along with yours.
However… another comment I receive a lot is “OMG I took these and I feel SO strong and powerful now!” and “I haven’t felt sexy in a long time, but after I took these I did!”
And with that, I KNEW I had to make a post specifically for those of us who just need a little confidence boost! So this post is for anyone and everyone, but especially those who want to create some sexy, stunning photos themselves, while feeling comfortable, confident, and a little bit more sexy!
What You’ll Need :
Lingerie or Robe (I HIGHLY suggest using a long robe for these photos! Robes are PERFECT for manipulating to cover, or show any part of the body! They are EXTREMELY versatile and fun to wear!)
Camera / Phone with Camera
boudoir shot 1
Over the Shoulder : I can not tell y’all how much I LOVE this pose! When I was in school, the dress code didn’t allow girls to wear shirts that showed their shoulders. I always thought this was ridiculous and had thought and said many times “how sexy can a shoulder even be?”
WELL…. you tell me!
Confidence Creator : This pose is so great for everyone because it allows YOU to control how covered, or uncovered you are, and what areas of your body are covered, or showing. If you like your back but not your arms, cover your shoulders while allowing your top or blanket to drape deeper down your back. Want to cover your back but not your arms, pull the blanket around your back just under your armpits like a towel, leaving it just a little loose so it doesn’t actually look like a towel! You could even take this with your robe or top completely on, or totally nude – all are still going to be sexy!
To Get This Shot : Bring the camera lens up about face level, turn with your back towards the camera and pull down your robe, blanket or whatever you’re wearing down over your shoulders. (This pose looks REALLY good with a blanket because blankets are going to have a lot of give, and create a really great draping effect down your back.) And turn to look over your shoulder – BUT don’t look at the camera, look towards the ground, right past the tip of your shoulder.
boudoir shot 2
“What’s the Password?” : A little game my boyfriend and I play is “What’s the Password?” one of us will stand in the way of the other and not let them pass saying “What’s the Password?” and the password is always a kiss! This pose is with that little game in mind! Bonus : Start playing this game with your S.O. so that when they see this pose, it will bring double good feelings!
Confidence Creator : With this pose you can easily hide, show, and change almost any part of your body! If you love your butt turn to the side a little so that you can see it popping out. If you wish you had a bigger butt lean far into your base leg, popping that hip out creating more of a curve. If you want to create longer, leaner looking legs, make sure to exaggerate your leg cross by pointing your toes and bringing that top leg farther forward than you normally would when crossing your legs. You can let as much or as little cleavage, if any, show while doing this pose as well!
How To Get This Shot : Set camera lens to be level with your chest area, not your breasts, but just above. Cross one leg in front of the other, making sure to pop your butt back while doing so. Tilting the head up and bringing your hand to your chest or neck creates a TON of intimacy and sexual tones! Straight on, and bright light is best for this pose! Something like a long flowing robe, or long silk night dress with a slit is perfect for this shot!
boudoir shot 3
The Power Move : This one makes me feel like a BOSS A$$ B!TCH! Like “Oh? You wanted to get in here? Only if I say so.”
Confidence Creator : This pose is PERFECT for you if you are more introverted, or feel like you need a “power boost” to get you feeling a little more in charge! It’s perfectly fine to be agreeable and got with the flow, but it’s NOT ok to let people walk all over you. And as someone who let plenty of people walk all over me, there is NO better feeling than gaining the strength and power to not let that happen anymore! And if you are or have ever been that person too, this pose was made for you! And I can promise, that whoever you show these photos too will be able to feel your new strength through this pose, and THAT IS SEXY!
To Get This Shot : Set the camera up with the lens about even with your chest, right above your breasts. Turn to the side and put your hands on the door frame. Actually apply pressure, you may not think you can tell in a photo, but the small subtle differences that putting pressure against the door frame will do to your body will help convey strength in the photo! I promise you. You can put both hands against the frame, or one. You can look at the camera or not. But not matter what you do with the top half of your body ALWAYS pop that leg closest to the camera out and create a hard curved line with your knee! This hard angle is also strong and that will show in the final photo.
boudoir shot 4
Sitting Sexy : When I started taking these photos I didn’t think I was going to loooove these chair poses as much as I did. I know some of you are thinking, “I don’t want to do a chair pose because everything goes bleh when I sit.” NO MAAM. You perch your pretty patootie right there on the very edge of that chair and work it! This pose is great because by “perching” on the edge of the chair your body automatically creates these amazing curves and lines that are instantly sexy!
Confidence Creator : Think of using a prop like a chair as your friend there to help you create some amazing photos. When you perch on the edge of the chair, your butt automatically pooches out a little, and makes you sit up a little straighter, in turn making you push your chest out a little too. All of that is creating amazing curves from your head to your toes! Knowing that your already creating a sexy, beautiful shape, just from sitting there, you can allow yourself to get more into having fun and being creative with the poses! And I know this will result in you feeling so much more confident in yourself!
To Get This Shot : Grab a nice chair or if you don’t have one put a blanket over whatever chair you do have! Turn it to the side and PERCH on the edge. (I know that’s like the 10th time I have used that word but it is the most essential part of this pose.) Then pull one leg slightly in, and one out, making sure to always keep those toes gently pointed. You can lean forward, or back, or not at all! The options with the top half of your body are endless! Back lighting or head on (meaning the light coming from where your face or front of your body is facing) are best for this pose.
boudoir shot 5
The Oh Yeah, I’m Doing This Pose : Straight on legs spread wide open pose? YUP. Are you going to look AMAZING doing this one? YUP. Are you allowed to skip this pose? NOPE.
Confidence Creator : Ok so we can all agree that spreading your legs and looking hot is instantly sexual right? This pose makes every part of your body look good! By using the chair again, we are creating a tool for you to use to not overthink the pose. Letting yourself be supported by the chair, while being pushed into a more obviously sexual pose, is going to give you the grounding you need to take this leap into a pose you might have otherwise avoided! And taking the leap to try this pose, and then seeing how amazing you will look in the shot is going to make you feel SO good!
To Get This Shot : Get a chair and sit towards the upper half (you don’t need to perch for this pose, but you can!) Then pulling your lingerie or robe towards your lap, also spread your legs. Take the material you have gathered in your hands and push it down towards the chair that should now be peaking out between your legs. If you don’t have enough material, that’s ok! Just push your hands down onto the bit of chair. Point those toes rather than putting your flat feet onto the floor. Plus, pointed toes and bent knees adds a sultry vibe to this other wise aggressively sexual pose. Tilt your head back, and try running your fingers through your hair, or looking right at the camera!
I hope…
I hope that this post helps you to feel confident enough to take boudoir photos. And that once you do, you feel like the amazing, wonderful and gorgeous human that you are! Boudoir isn’t about looking a certain way, it’s about FEELING strong, powerful, in control of your sexual desires, and sexy! It’s about evoking emotions and physical feelings in whoever you share them with. And, I hope you and your boo love YOUR Boudoir photos!
[…] This years version has new poses, new props, and new tips for all you DIY Boudoir Photo takers out there! This year I also wanted to post a tutorial sharing Boudoir Poses to Build Your Confidence, you can find it HERE! […]